Tree Removal

Professional, Insured, and Licensed Tree Removal Service in Western and Central Massachusetts

Northern Tree Service is your trusted partner for comprehensive tree removal services tailored specifically for residential properties. Our offerings extend beyond just the removal of trees; we provide a complete suite of solutions to cater to all your tree-related concerns.

Northern Tree Service is TRAQ Certified!

While all certified arborists can assess tree risk, apply treatments, and communicate potential issues with their clients, a TRAQ helps ensure arborists can complete all three at the highest possible level of competency and perfection. Using an arborist with a TRAQ can help save you stress and money while ensuring your trees and property’s health and longevity.

Northern Tree Service is your trusted partner for comprehensive tree removal services.

One of our key services is Hazard Tree Removal. This service focuses on the identification and removal of trees that pose a risk to your property or safety. A tree can become a hazard due to various factors such as disease, damage from storms, or simply old age. Our expert team is trained to detect these potential hazards early and take appropriate action to mitigate any risks.

In addition to hazard tree removal, we also offer a range of other tree removal services. Whether you need to clear space for a new construction project, remove an unsightly stump, or deal with a tree that’s causing structural issues, our team has the skills and equipment necessary to handle the job efficiently.

Moreover, we understand that every tree and situation is unique, so we tailor our approach to suit your specific needs. From the initial consultation to the final cleanup, our team ensures a seamless, hassle-free experience. With Northern Tree Services, you can rest easy knowing your residential property is in capable hands.

24/7 Emergency Care

Removing a tree from a residential property can have several potential benefits


The most crucial benefit is safety. Removing a dead, dying, or unstable tree can prevent potential accidents and damage to the property or harm to individuals.

Preventing Damage

Tree roots can sometimes interfere with foundations, driveways, sidewalks, or underground utilities. Removing such trees can prevent these types of structural damages.

Increased Sunlight

Removing a large tree can bring more sunlight to your home and garden. More light can benefit other plants in the yard and even reduce energy costs if more natural light can enter your home.

Increased Property Value

A well-maintained landscape can increase property value. If a tree is detracting from the property’s appeal, its removal could potentially increase the property’s worth.

There are several reasons why
a tree would need to be removed.

Disease or Pest Infestation

A tree that’s diseased or infested with pests can pose a risk to other trees and plants in the surrounding area. If treatment isn’t effective or feasible, removal may be necessary to prevent the spread.

Structural Instability

Trees that have been damaged by storms or other events may become unstable. This could pose a risk of falling and causing injury or property damage.

Dead or Dying

Dead or dying trees pose a significant safety hazard. They can easily fall during a storm or even without provocation, potentially causing significant damage.

Construction and Landscaping Needs

If a tree is in the way of a planned construction or landscaping project, it may need to be removed to make way for development.

Root Problems

Tree roots can cause problems if they interfere with underground utilities, foundations, driveways, or sidewalks.


Sometimes trees need to be removed to give other trees more space to grow and thrive.


In some cases, a tree may need to be removed because it’s not in line with the desired look or design of a landscape.

Obstruction of Views or Light

Trees that obstruct views or block sunlight from reaching other plants or solar panels might need to be removed.


Some trees produce pollen or other substances that can trigger allergic reactions in people. If a tree is causing significant health issues, it may need to be removed.

Areas We Serve

We offer professional and insured tree removal services in MA and across New England. We remove trees for customers in the following areas: